Transportation of All Transformers in CHMC Cambodia Rural Grid PhaseⅤ-Ⅵ Project Was Accomplished
2019-03-06  Source:  [Big] [Middle] [Small]




     Picture 1. The Transformer Was Unloaded and Positioned


On January 9, 2019, the 70 tons transformer body of the REAM Substation in the Cambodia Rural Grid Extension PhaseⅤ-Ⅵ Project (abbreviated as Rural Grid PhaseⅤ-Ⅵ Project) which was contracted by CHMC, was unloaded and positioned. Till now, the transportation of all transformers in CHMC Cambodia Rural Grid PhaseⅤ-Ⅵ Project was accomplished.


The Cambodia Rural Grid PhaseⅤ-Ⅵ Project site was of a complex terrain, with harsh natural conditions, which brought much difficulties to the transportation work. Before the related work started, CHMC, based on the actual situations, several times investigated the road to the Substation, checking the firmness and smoothness of the road surface, and continuously perfected the transportation scheme accordingly. Supported by efforts from related parties, the transportation of the transformer body was accomplished, which was recognized and commented favorably by the Project owner.